As usual! Was my first expression after finishing the 2 States - The Story Of My Marriage.
For Chetan, personally this is a continuation after FPS.
Author describes the nuances of his marriage with Anusha, his wife (in Novel Character called Ananya), a TamBam.
Its 4th from Chetan’s stable, very much better than “3 Mistakes of my life”
See my previous entry on “3 Mistakes of my life”. http://jainashwani.blogspot.com/2008/08/my-letter-to-chetan-bhagat-in-context.html
IMHO FPS is the best. We also saw the adaptation in 3 IDIOTS(not writing much on this topic, already controversial)
2 states is a flowing read. I managed time within my working hours of a week.
As expected, Chetan again came back with his whacky humor, killer one liners (which I like most), comment snippets particularly about Girls; just awesome!
Chetan had enough of analysis of general female behavior and characteristic in FPS; now in Two States He again showed his shrewd analysis with great sense of humor.
Girl and Boy situations are much like “Men are from Mars and Women from Venus” scenario; like girls always care how they are looking no matter what is the situation!
Description of IIM and
Although so much stereotypical things about relationship, family, social stigma; but that is the social fabric of middle class
So much Humor related to Punjabis like, “ready to gulp every time”, loud makeup, flamboyant lifestyle; I found it quite amusing as I think these are really Punjabi Characteristic (seriously no Pun Intended).
I see such things on daily basis (residing in Punjabi dominated locality).
And yes Chetan Bhagat does not give too much info on Punjabi girls, by the way they are just……..
In the novel Chetan portrays Punjabi girl quite dumb kinda….a la Blonde girls in West.
Now Chetan has developed the skill of inserting timely “testosterone charged scenes”, enough of romps in novel, quite like previous books.
Two states ends on a happy note, Krish Fathering the twins.
Summing up, it is a bit above average read.
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